Ship 28 (S28) was a second stage Starship assembled in March 2023 and launched on top of B10 in Flight 3 on 14th of March 2024
Thu 03, Aug 2023
a year ago
SpaceX performed a cryogenic proof test on Ship 28 at Massey's test site, filling both tanks to capacity.
Fri 28, Jul 2023
a year ago
SpaceX carried out the inaugural cryogenic proof test for Ship 28, fully loading both tanks with liquid nitrogen (LN2).
Ship 28 (S28) is a second-stage Starship prototype assembled between March and April 2023 using a novel stacking approach. Unlike the traditional method of stacking two halves before joining them, S28 was stacked from top to bottom. This allowed the crane to remain attached to the nose cone throughout, and simplified the welding process by keeping it at ground level. However, this raised questions about how the CH4 transfer tube would be installed, as the new method precluded lifting it into the LOX tank from above.